Elizabeth Nyabuto

My name is Elizabeth Nyabuto. As the Director of Shield of Hope House orphanage in Kenya, I am so grateful for the Red Gone White Ministry and it’s Director Apostle David Anderson.


You have been of a very great help to me and my orphanage. You have always stood by me and supported me both materially and spiritually. When I thought that I have been pushed to the corner, had no food to give to my kids, had to cater for hospital bills for my kids and my sick mother, you always stood by my side and God used you in a mighty way.


I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I pray that may God use you more and more, your hearty sacrifices are not in vain, He who sees in secret will reward you openly.


God bless you for accepting your calling and taking a step of faith. God bless you and as Shield of Hope House orphanage, we love you and appreciate your love and support you always give us.



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